Component Project Title 3 (Pr.3):

Title: Intelligent control structure with advanced techniques and navigation system based on the performance sensors and video-servoing systems for Complex Autonomous Systems, CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV, integrated into medical and social assistive technologies and servicing precision manufacturing lines (mechatronics lines)


Complex project manager: Adrian FILIPESCU

Component project manager (Pr.3):  Daniela-Cristina CERNEGA

Component project coordinator 3 (Pr.3): "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati (IC)
Component project partners 3 (Pr.3): University of Craiova (P1), Politehnica University of București (P2), VALAHIA University of Targoviste (P3)



- Kinematic and dynamic models of Complex Autonomous Systems, CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV, integrated into medical and social assistive technologies and Servicing Precision Manufacturing Lines (Mechatronics Lines);

- Intelligent and distribuited control structures based on advanced control techniques, of complex autonomous systems, CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV, integrated into assistive and service technologies;

- Navigation systems, based on ultrasounds and laser of complex autonomous systems, CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV;

- Precision positioning systems, based on video-serving, of manipulators that equip complex autonomous systems CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV;

- Laboratory real-time testing oacomplex autonomous systems CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV.


Estimated results:

- Real-time control structure of an assembly/disassembly line with integrated CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV, validated by testing on laboratory manufacturing lines;

- Reports with the results concerning model testing, via simulation of complex autonomous systems, CAS-PRA ans CAS-MAV integrated in medical and social assistive technologies and (Various Scenarios, Case Studies);

- Intelligent control structure, based on advanced techniques of CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV, integrated in medical and social assistive tecnologies and servicing precision flexible manufacturing lines, of assembling/disasembling an processing/reprocessing (mechatronic lines);

- Navigation structure based on ultrasounds and laser of CAS-PRA ands CAS-MAV;

- Mobile visual servoing located on the manipulators that equip CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV.