Laborator cercetare UDJG Laborator cercetare UDJG Laborator cercetare UDJG Laborator cercetare UDJG

 Project 1 (Pr.1)

Title: System design, modeling and simulation of distributed configurations of sensors and visual servoing systems on complex autonomous systems (CAS-IW, CAS-PRA, CAS-VAM) for personal medical-social assistance, intra / extra hospital and home  - link


- Defining, analyzing, selecting and integrating sensory structures in the mobile platform's management system;

- Modeling and simulation of the integrated sensor system;

- Design and functional testing of the integrated sensor system;

Estimated results:

- The optimal structure of the sensory system. Sensory system integrated into the mobile platform's driving system;

- The systemic model of the configuration of the sensory structure. The results of the functional simulation of the configuration of the sensory structure. Design specifications;

- Results of functional tests;

- Simulation platform that brings together 3 advanced technologies: Virtual Reality, HPS (Hybrid Process Simulation) and Cloud Computing technology;


Project 2 (Pr.2):

Title: Modeling, simulation and implementation of distributed configurations of sensors and visual servoing systems for hybrid technologies for reusable products on flexible, precision, laboratory manufacturing lines integrated with complex autonomous systems - link


- Designing the Virtual Development Environment (MVD) and implementing it at the functional model level;

- Development of functional models of visual servoing systems used in the control of precision mechatronic lines;

- Creating and developing an on-line cloud-accessible software library as a SaaS (Software as a Service) level;

Estimated results:

- Results of functional tests;

- Dedicated interface for the transfer in virtual environment of data acquired from distributed sensors configurations and visual servoing systems;

- On-line software assets (build as of block functions) library;


Project 3 (Pr.3):

Title: Intelligent control structure with advanced techniques and navigation system based on the performance sensors and video-servoing systems for Complex Autonomous Systems, CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV, integrated into medical and social assistive technologies and servicing precision manufacturing lines (mechatronics lines) - link



- Kinematic and dynamic models of Complex Autonomous Systems, CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV, integrated into medical and social assistive technologies and Servicing Precision Manufacturing Lines (Mechatronics Lines);

- Intelligent and distribuited control structures based on advanced control techniques, of complex autonomous systems, CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV, integrated into assistive and service technologies;

- Navigation systems, based on ultrasounds and laser of complex autonomous systems, CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV;

- Precision positioning systems, based on video-serving, of manipulators that equip complex autonomous systems CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV;

- Laboratory real-time testing oacomplex autonomous systems CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV;

Estimated results:

- Real-time control structure of an assembly/disassembly line with integrated CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV, validated by testing on laboratory manufacturing lines;

- Reports with the results concerning model testing, via simulation of complex autonomous systems, CAS-PRA ans CAS-MAV integrated in medical and social assistive technologies and (Various Scenarios, Case Studies);

- Intelligent control structure, based on advanced techniques of CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV, integrated in medical and social assistive tecnologies and servicing precision flexible manufacturing lines, of assembling/disasembling an processing/reprocessing (mechatronic lines);

- Navigation structure based on ultrasounds and laser of CAS-PRA ands CAS-MAV;

- Mobile visual servoing located on the manipulators that equip CAS-PRA and CAS-MAV;


Project 4 (Pr.4):

Title: Real-time modeling, simulation and real-time management of assembled manufacturing systems (SAC-ARP, SAC-VAM) integrated in hybrid precision, laboratory (mechatronics) and industrial hybrid manufacturing technologies for reusable products - link


- Real-time management of flexible precision manufacturing lines integrated with hybrid A / D manufacturing technologies with SAC-ARP, two-wheel self-propelled robotic platform, one or two free-wheel and manipulator, and SAC-VAM, self-propelled 4-wheel multidirectional and manipulator motor.

- Ready-to-use real-time management by laboratory testing, assembling / disassembly lines assisted in the reversible rewiring / disassembly process of SACs integrated in assisted technologies, SAC-ARP, mobile robots (2DW / 1FW, 2DW / 2FW) with 6-DOF Arm Handle, and SAC-VAM, mobile robots (4DW / SW) equipped with 6-DOF Manipulator.

Estimated results:

- Hybrid Petri Nets (RPH) Models for Flexible Precision, Assembly / Disassembly Manufacturing Leads Served by SAC-ARP, Mobile Robots (2DW / 1FW) and SAC-VAM Standing Vehicle (2DW / 2FW) -DOF Arm.

- Real-time manufacturing of precision manufacturing lines, integrated in hybrid A / D manufacturing technologies assisted by the SAC dismantling process, integrated into assistive technologies, SAC-ARP, Pioneer 3-DX mobile robots ( 2DW / 1FW) equipped with the 6-DOF Arm and SAC-VAM Manipulators, mobile robots (2DW / 2SW) equipped with the 6-DOF Manipulator.

- Results of other laboratory testing of flexible manufacturing lines integrated into hybrid precision manufacturing hybrid technologies assisted by SAC-ARP and SAC-VAM


Project 5 (Pr.5)

Title: Intelligent control structure and navigation system based on the performance sensors,  video-biometric and video-servoing systems for complex autonomous system CAS-IW integrated into the technology for assisting people with severe neuro motor disabilities - link


- Kinematic and dynamic model for the complex autonomous system (CAS-IW) integrated into the technology for assisting people with severe neuro-motor disabilities;

- Intelligent control structure for CAS-IW integrated into the technology for assisting people with severe neuro motor disabilities;

- Navigation system for CAS-IW integrated into the technology for assisting people with neuromotor disabilities (based on the combination of the video-biometric system with and laser system);

- Video-servoing system for the robotic manipulator integrated in CAS (requiring for precision of positioning of the gripper);

- Control, navigation and obstacle avoidance structures for the complex autonomous system (CAS-IW), integrated into the technology for assisting people with severe neuro-
motor disabilities - implemented and tested in real time under laboratory conditions.

Estimated results:

- Simulation results of the complex autonomous system CAS-IW integrated into the technology for assisting people with sever neuro-motor disabilities (CAS-IW modelled as a 2DW/2FW mobile robot + robotic arm with 7DOF);

- Functional model of intelligent control system and navigation system for "Cirrus Power Wheelchair" – as integral part of CAS-IW;

- Functional model of the real-time obstacle avoidance system (using the laser and video sensors) for the Cirrus Power Wheelchair - as integral part of the CAS-IW;

- Functional model of the advanced control system based on performance sensors and visual serving systems - for the Cyton 1500 integrated as part of the CAS-IW;

- The laboratory results of the intelligent control system, the navigation system (based on performance sensors) and the advanced control system based on real-time visual servoing systems for CAS-IW integrated into the technology for assisting people with severe neuro-motor disabilities.


Wednesday the 22nd. .